Monday, August 6, 2012

Book Review: Moloka'i

This is one of the most beautiful
cover images I've ever seen.

By Alan Brennert

If you're looking for an inspiring story about a life well lived, this is it! Moloka'i is the story of young Rachel Kalama who is ripped from her family and all she knew to spend her life in isolation on a small tropical island. Rachel must start a new life and create a new family.

Despite a debilitating illness, Rachel is able to live a full, adventurous life on the small island of Moloka'i. Her heartbreaks and triumphs became my own as I progressed through the book. Brennert has really immersed the reader in Rachel's life. You'll live with Rachel as she learns about life, love and loss and you'll be able to follow the changes the 21st century brought through her experiences.

I highly recommend this book, but that comes with a caveat. I sometimes found this book so heartbreaking that is made me incredibly angry. I contemplated throwing the book across the room more than once. It was well worth pushing through, though.

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